1. First of all happy new year 2014 for all of my blog readers.
2. Second I feel sorry to my blog readers for my long absence on net because last some time i am suffering from cervical pain and my doctor advice me to avoid my laptop. Now my cervical pain is Ok and I am start blogging again.
3. Reddy ji now I come to your question about Rolta, Rolta India ltd is a 10 rupee face value software company.
4. Year high of Rolta India ltd is 77.25 and year lowis 50.00 stock traded at 67 so this is good because stock is recover from year low and just start correcting after year high in Nov 2013.
5. Promoters continue increasing their holding at every quarter from 46.25 to 47.71 and now this is 49.08% so increasing promoters holding is very exciting for me.
6. Rolta is a dividend paying company and pay 3 rupee per year dividend from last few years.
7. So my view is POSITIVE for Rolta India ltd.
8. Discloser:- Presently i have no any stock of Rolta India ltd but after giving this view Rolta may be my next buying.