1. Nalco is a 5 rupee face value aluminium stock which is traded at 33.75
2. Year high of NATIONAL ALUMINIUM CO.LTD is 63.72 and year low 32.70 , stock traded near his year low which is a bearish sign.
3.Promoters holding in NATIONAL ALUMINIUM CO.LTD is 81.06% promoters reduce their holding from 87.15 % so if you read my book than you understand that reducing in promoters holding is a negative sing for stock health.
4.National Aluminium Company Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 27, 2013, have recommended for payment of final dividend @ Rs. 0.50 per share on the equity share capital (10% on face value of Rs. 5 each) in addition to interim dividend of Rs. 0.75 per share already paid during March, 2013 on equity share capital (15% on face value of Rs. 5 each) subject to the approval of shareholders in the ensuing 32nd Annual General Meeting.
5. So i think you may look a exit after getting dividend and in a rally, due to reducing promoters stake it is not advisable to hold this stock.
Mahesh Ji,
ReplyDeleteI think the promoter holding is being reduced cos of standing orders from SEBI. Please let me know your opinion
I check the matter and find that promoters of NALCO is government of India and they sell stack due to disinvestment policy of government companies so they get money for government vote making schemes like MNAREGA and Pension plans and subsidies so I think you may still avoid government companies