Respected readers,
at 31-08-2009 i recommended singer india ltd @30.55 for multibagger returns, read this article at this link
I am happy to say that stock give 340 % returns within 3.5 year holding and price of singer india ltd at 30 nov 2012 is 134.25
But some of my readers not book profit @ 134 and they just wait my sell call for this multibagger.
I request you that it is not possible to give a buy or sell call every time so i think currant price 105 is not bad for book profit still 250% profit remain for you.
I think you may re investment some of your profit in gujarat sidhee cement ltd which have same story of singer india ltd ant this stock may be give us a multibagger returns in coming Years , for details of guj sidhee story visit my web page
discloser:- guj sidhee cement ltd is in my personal holdings.
मेरे एक फोलावर श्री विपिन अग्रवाल ने भी स्विंग ट्रेड की सहायता से जीता
जीरोधा का 60 डे विनिंग ट्रेडर का अवार्ड Swing Trading Zerodha
एक कक्षा में गुरूजी अनेक विधार्थियों को पढ़ाते हैं पर उनमें से होनहार
विधार्थी ही गुरू के ज्ञान को आत्मसात करके उसे पचा पाते हैं किसी कक्षा के
विधार्थियों ...
5 years ago
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