Due to lot of stock related questions ,please ask only one question in a month and try to ask use full questions. Reply may be take time 3-7 days and If you not get your reply in this time then re mail your question.
MAKE A COMMENT:- If you want a fast reply of your question then please make a comment (without any link) on any blog post of this blog and i will reply your comment in 24 hoursTHROUGH E MAIL: - if you have any share market, mutual fund, insurance and health related query then it is advisable first search it on my blogs archive. If not found then mail your query to mahesh2073@yahoo.com
Please note that reply of your question is not sure because I receive 100 of mails per day and it is not possible to reply all, but I try my best to publish your questions and if publishing is not possible then reply you directly by e mail.
Please wait 3-7 day for your reply if not publish on blog and not receive by mail and you think your question is still important to you then please mail it again.
DIRECT MOBILE TALKING: - Sorry I do not provide my mobile number to my blog reader. Because I have more then 1000 followers worldwide and per day 1000-2000 new visitors visit my blogs so if I provide my mobile number to my blog followers or visitors then I have no time to my personal work. So please try to understand my limitation and not force for mobile number.
BY CHAT MESSAGE:- Normally I disable my messenger for chatting but sometime when i free it available ONLINE STATUS so try to catch me online on this time. Please try to make your chatting as short as possible. I use yahoo messenger for chatting.
PLEASE REMEMBER: - That I am not a professional adviser so some time it is possible that my view is wrong. Please read disclaimer before contact me and follow me.
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key words:- intra day F&O online trading