Please let us know your views on Educomp Solutions from long term prospective.
1. Educomp solution is an education company. Face value of educomp solution is 2 rupee.
2. Year high of educomp solution is 1017 and year low 441
3. Promoter holding in educomp solution is 49.83 % and FII holding is 36.89 % and DII holding 1.61 % this is the reason of high pricing of educomp solution because only 14 % share available for small investor
4. FY 09-10 EPS of educomp solution is 23.61 so shares traded at P/E of 29, I think very high valuation
5. Book value of this share is only 40.32
6. Due to low book value and high valuation I think one could avoid this share for some time.
Key words: - intra day buy sell future option F&O tips