Thank you for your wonderful service.
The script BOM: 531683 (Ankur Drugs and Pharma Ltd) is trading at its 52 weeks low (138.95). More than 20 % is lost in its share value in a matter of few days. Some time back all the news was positive on this stock.
I am planning to buy this stock at current or lower levels for holding up to a maximum of 6 months period. I am a little concerned because of its recent fall in value. Please tell me your views on this stock
Thanking you in advance,
Deepak Kumar
1. Ankur drugs ltd is a 10 rupee face value pharmaceuticals company with BSE group S
2. Book value of ankur drugs is 135.64 so share traded below his book value.
3. Today ankur drug ltd touch his New Year low 111.20
4. In 13.08.10 we see bulk deal of 92000 shares in sell side and if we see currant market depth (my new concept) it is clear cut distribution pattern mean big player sell his stocks and small investor buy them. It is negative point for ankur drugs in short term.

5. In June 2010 promoter holding is 32.52 % and in March 2010 it is 37.45 % so promoter also dilute there holding in ankur drugs ltd (very negative point)
6. I think one could avoid this share for 6 months. (I may be wrong but my view is not positive in ankur drugs ltd)
REVIW ON SUZLON ENERGY: - I think you may remember my post about suzlon, in this post I give my view on suzlon and say I buy it if suzlon come below 50. I think in coming trading session suzlon enter in my buying range and I try to buy my first 100 share @48
Read this post on this link