Maheshji, what is your view about TV18 broadcast as a long-term investment? Srinivas
1.Tv18 Broadcast Ltd is a 2 rupee face value broadcasting company.
2.Year high of Tv18 Broadcast Ltd is 38.45 and year low 15.09 stock traded at 29, which is normal.
3. But promoters of Tv18 Broadcast Ltd dilute there stock holding from 59.76 % to 57.04% and if you read my book then you knew that i not like dilution in promoters holding.
4.Tv18 Broadcast Ltd give 2 right issue at
17/09/2012 Right 41:11
and at
04/03/2010 Right 3:10
so as my book i also avoid a share at leat 2 year after a bonus issue , stock split and right issue.
5.Tv18 Broadcast Ltd also show bulk deals which is a sign of speculation for me so i think you may wait for fresh buying in Tv18 Broadcast Ltd.
मेरे एक फोलावर श्री विपिन अग्रवाल ने भी स्विंग ट्रेड की सहायता से जीता
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विधार्थियों ...
5 years ago
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