First let me congratulate you for doing such a wonderful job even without a penny. Honestly speaking initially i wasn't very sure that you do some much research to help others but by going thru so much advices you have given in past i'm really impressed. You are really a honest guy.
I'm not sure whether you will get a chance to look on my request but just want to have your opinion on my script. Just 2-3 months back i bought Alok Industry 10000 shares with avg. price 31 Rs. and this investment is for next 5-7 years. Am I right in my investment. Can you please share you in depth advice.
Thanks in advance!!
1.Deepak JI,my view is nagative for alok industries and possitive for arvind ltd I recommended arvind ltd since it traded @ 12 only and arvind ltd is my fancy share also. It is give 550% return in 1.5 year of my recommendation
2.alok industries is a 10 rupee face value textile company.
3. book value of alok industries is 34.68 so it is still a value buy and you may get your buying price 31 again .
4. some of market analysts recommended alok industry instead of arvind ltd but they forget that market is always right because alok industry is a high debt company and promoters of alok industries pledged his 58.48 % holding ( source : BSE shareholding pattern of alok September 2010 ) instead of this arvind ltd promoters have reduced the pledged shares by 98% from around 4.69 crore shares as on March 2010 to only 7.7 lakh shares as on September 2010.( In rupee term, the pledge has been reduced from over Rs250 crore to less than Rs5 crore.) and you may happy that now arvind ltd promoters have only 0.84% pledged share.
5. So this is the main difference of alok industry and arvind ltd that alok debt is high with high % of promoters pledged share and arvind ltd continue to repay his debt and reduce his pledged share quantity.
6. I think you may sell alok industries near 33 and shift to arvind near 63.
7. Discloser: - arvind ltd is my fancy share and I hold share of arvind ltd so my personal interest is included in this article so please read this article in this prospective.