hello mahesh ji,
this is nitesh.i want to buy symphony for long term.what is your view on the stock symphony.
thanks ask by nitesh.
1.Symphony Limited is a consumer electronics company.face value of Symphony Limited is 2 rupee and stock currently traded at 309.
2. Year high of Symphony Limited is 473.45 and year low 270 this is normal but stock traded near his year low and may be makes new year low in coming trading sessions.
3.Promoters holding in Symphony Limited is 75 % FII holding 3.31 % and DII holding 2.25% which is good holding pattern.
4.Stock of Symphony Limited is spilt at 17.02.2012 so as my basic rule "Avoid a stock at least 2 year after split" If my rule is right then we are able to buy this stock below 200 after March 2014.
5. Stock is not bad but my view is wait for 6 months ( till Aprial 2014 ) for a low price.
6. I have no any stock of Symphony Limited.
ऐसी जादुई गुगल फायनेंस शीट बनाना सीखें जो खुद बतायेगी अभी कौनसे ईटीएफ में
एसआईपी करने का उचित समय है।
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4 months ago