Hi Mahesh ji,
what is your view on Sumeet Industries Ltd. ?
Thanks in advance
1. Sumeet Industries Ltd is a 10 rupee face value textile company.
2. Year high of Sumeet Industries Ltd is 28 and year low 12.45 stock traded at 20 , this is not a stable ratio. i think if any downside in market come and stock traded at 11-14 than this is good to fresh buy.
3.Promoters holding in Sumeet Industries Ltd is 44.17% but no DII and FII holding.
4. Sumeet Industries Ltd show a bulk deal in sell side at 26.07.12 generally i avoid a stock which have recent bulk or block deals. ( as you read in my book that in my theory bulk and block deals are sign of speculative activity in stocks)
5. Sumeet Industries Ltd Stock has good net revenue per share ( more than 225 per share per year ).
6. So My view is positive for Sumeet Industries Ltd , But like to buy @11-14 if available, I have no any share of Sumeet Industries Ltd.
7. Free offer on my book:-Readers can get a free lal kitab horoscope and future forecast by lal kitab if they register there buying of The winning theory in stock market with me read details at http://winningtheory.blogspot.in/
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5 years ago
Hello Sir - Could you provide your views on Fortis Healthcare at CMP. I am a long term investor. Thank you
Goverdhan ji i publish your reply as a new article