Hello Maheshji,
Could you please analyze Peninsula Land when you can spare time and advise whether it is a good buy for long-term?
1. Peninsula land is a 2 rupee face value realty company.
2. FY 09-10 EPS of peninsula land is 10.42 so share trading at attractive P/E of 6
3. Peninsula land promoter holding 53.65 % FII holding 20.24 %
4. Book value of peninsula land is 46.54 so fresh buying is good after a fall and near about 55 or below 55
5. Peninsula land ltd website is www.peninsula.co.in
6. I found peninsula is a good fundamental company but as my style I wish to buy it below 55 for a safe buying at present my holding is nil in this company
key words:- trading intra day F&O online
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5 years ago