L& T finance Ltd is coming out with NCD giving 8% interest on share allotment @Rs1000/each . Minimum investment Rs 10000/=.
what is your opinion?
please advise
1. sir I think liquid benchmark exchange traded fund is more better option instead of this NCD.
2. LIFBEE is a unique AAA rated Liquid Fund that is listed and traded on the Capital Market Segment of the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) just like a share. It is the first and only Liquid Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in the World.
3.The Face Value of each unit of Liquid BeES is Rs. 1000 and the Fund endeavors to keep the daily NAV at Rs. 1000. Since its launch (July 2003) the NAV has been constant at Rs. 1000
4.The returns accrue to the investors in the form of daily dividend, which is compulsorily reinvested in the Scheme
5.The units arising out of dividend reinvestment are credited to the beneficiary (Demat ) account of the investors at least once in 30 days. The Fund declares daily dividend. If you have units in your Demat account, you become entitled to this dividend. The dividend declared is reinvested in the form of units of Liquid BeES after deducting Dividend Distribution Tax; hence the returns in your hands are absolutely TAX FREE.
6.Units of Liquid BeES are uploaded up to 3 decimals
7.NSDL and CDSL have waived all charges in LIQBEE (i.e. custody and transaction charges)8. Liquid BeES is a very efficient and convenient solution for utilizing your cash balance between trades in equity market (NSE). When you sell your shares on NSE, you can instruct your broker to purchase Liquid BeES of equal amount. This will ensure that from the date of settlement (T+2) you will start earning dividends. Also you do not have to go through the hassles of receiving a cheque, depositing it in your bank and after clearance, investing it in a Liquid Fund.9.If Liquid BeES are used
L& T finance Ltd is coming out with NCD giving 8% interest on share allotment @Rs1000/each . Minimum investment Rs 10000/=.
what is your opinion?
please advise
1. sir I think liquid benchmark exchange traded fund is more better option instead of this NCD.
2. LIFBEE is a unique AAA rated Liquid Fund that is listed and traded on the Capital Market Segment of the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) just like a share. It is the first and only Liquid Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in the World.
3.The Face Value of each unit of Liquid BeES is Rs. 1000 and the Fund endeavors to keep the daily NAV at Rs. 1000. Since its launch (July 2003) the NAV has been constant at Rs. 1000
4.The returns accrue to the investors in the form of daily dividend, which is compulsorily reinvested in the Scheme
5.The units arising out of dividend reinvestment are credited to the beneficiary (Demat ) account of the investors at least once in 30 days. The Fund declares daily dividend. If you have units in your Demat account, you become entitled to this dividend. The dividend declared is reinvested in the form of units of Liquid BeES after deducting Dividend Distribution Tax; hence the returns in your hands are absolutely TAX FREE.
6.Units of Liquid BeES are uploaded up to 3 decimals
7.NSDL and CDSL have waived all charges in LIQBEE (i.e. custody and transaction charges)8. Liquid BeES is a very efficient and convenient solution for utilizing your cash balance between trades in equity market (NSE). When you sell your shares on NSE, you can instruct your broker to purchase Liquid BeES of equal amount. This will ensure that from the date of settlement (T+2) you will start earning dividends. Also you do not have to go through the hassles of receiving a cheque, depositing it in your bank and after clearance, investing it in a Liquid Fund.9.If Liquid BeES are used
8.while buying any shares the process of redemption from a Liquid Fund and depositing a cheque to the broker can be avoided. The only thing you need to do is instruct your broker to buy the shares you want and sell equivalent amount of Liquid BeES.
9.The only effort required here is to send a security transfer instruction to your DP (You can avoid this if you are using speed-e facility or have given power of attorney to your Broker / DP) relating to Liquid BeES.
10.If you regularly invest in Liquid BeES, it makes sense to let the fractions accumulate and become whole units. Since there is no custody charge, it does not cost you anything to keep fractions in your Demat Account. However if you decide to sell, you can sell whole units on the market, while for the fractions, Benchmark AMC offers anytime buyback of fractional units directly free of charge.You can also transfer fractional units to any other Demat account to make it a rounded off unit.
11.Other Specifications:
Exchange Listed of India Ltd National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
ISIN INF732E01037
Entry / Exit Load NIL
Other Codes
Reuters - LBES.NS Bloomberg - LBEES:IN ICICI Direct - LIBEES
Minimum Lot One unit/share
Total Expense Ratio 0.58% p.a.
12. call benchmark mutual fund on Toll free No: 1800-22-5079 for more details and current retruns ( remember this number is not realeted to sharegenius blog and Mahesh chander kaushik information given here is collected from web site of benchmark mutual fund visit this on following link
10.If you regularly invest in Liquid BeES, it makes sense to let the fractions accumulate and become whole units. Since there is no custody charge, it does not cost you anything to keep fractions in your Demat Account. However if you decide to sell, you can sell whole units on the market, while for the fractions, Benchmark AMC offers anytime buyback of fractional units directly free of charge.You can also transfer fractional units to any other Demat account to make it a rounded off unit.
11.Other Specifications:
Exchange Listed of India Ltd National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
ISIN INF732E01037
Entry / Exit Load NIL
Other Codes
Reuters - LBES.NS Bloomberg - LBEES:IN ICICI Direct - LIBEES
Minimum Lot One unit/share
Total Expense Ratio 0.58% p.a.
12. call benchmark mutual fund on Toll free No: 1800-22-5079 for more details and current retruns ( remember this number is not realeted to sharegenius blog and Mahesh chander kaushik information given here is collected from web site of benchmark mutual fund visit this on following link
and i am not an agent of benchmark fund i give this information on my blog because i think most of investors does not knew about this use full tool
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