Kindly give detailed information regarding commodity market.Pl suggest some useful tips for sure success in it and some reliable links like Sherkhan or others.
Regards ask by Dr.bhoopendra Rewa M.P
Commodity market is one of the best speculation tools because if you speculate in shares you may lost more part of your money because shares fluctuate widely but commodity move slow and steady.
1. Always trade commodity which not direct link to political price pressure like crude, gold guar silver Zink non edible oil.
2. Not to trade in direct public use commodity like sugar cement edible oil because long side of these commodity is trapped by government due to political issues.
3. All commodity price is cyclic so avoid one sided view (example some traders say gold is never down, it is a wrong statement)
4. Commodity trading is speculative in nature and speculation is subject of “shani” and ‘rahu” in astrology so strong these 2 planet by giving foods to dog and poor and respect your elders is also a tool to make powerful these 2 planets. Try it.
5. Fast of Thursday and repetition of Vishnu shastranama is also must for commodity traders.
Regards ask by Dr.bhoopendra Rewa M.P
Commodity market is one of the best speculation tools because if you speculate in shares you may lost more part of your money because shares fluctuate widely but commodity move slow and steady.
1. Always trade commodity which not direct link to political price pressure like crude, gold guar silver Zink non edible oil.
2. Not to trade in direct public use commodity like sugar cement edible oil because long side of these commodity is trapped by government due to political issues.
3. All commodity price is cyclic so avoid one sided view (example some traders say gold is never down, it is a wrong statement)
4. Commodity trading is speculative in nature and speculation is subject of “shani” and ‘rahu” in astrology so strong these 2 planet by giving foods to dog and poor and respect your elders is also a tool to make powerful these 2 planets. Try it.
5. Fast of Thursday and repetition of Vishnu shastranama is also must for commodity traders.
key words:_ tips sure commodity market regular sms target dailt stop loss ZINK TARGET GOLD TARGET GUAR TARGET
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