Today siemens reached year about buying this at 620? ask by anonymous.
1.Siemens Ltd is a 2 rupee face value heavy equipment company.
2. Year high of 838.70 and year low 482.35 ( after your asking stock make a new year low ) but now Siemens Ltd traded at 550.55 this is a good recover and good reversal sign.
3. promoters of Siemens Ltd hold 74.71% FII hold 3.45 and DII hold 8.39 so this is a good pattern.
4.Siemens Ltd is a dividend paying stock.
5. Only one concern for me that in dec 12 stock show heavy bulk deals in sell side so i like this stock but due to bulk deals i advice you that buy in SIP method because I think in coming 12 months stock may be make more year lows.
6. Overall my view is positive for Siemens Ltd, but buying is advised only in SIP method.I have no any stock of Siemens Ltd
मेरे एक फोलावर श्री विपिन अग्रवाल ने भी स्विंग ट्रेड की सहायता से जीता
जीरोधा का 60 डे विनिंग ट्रेडर का अवार्ड Swing Trading Zerodha
एक कक्षा में गुरूजी अनेक विधार्थियों को पढ़ाते हैं पर उनमें से होनहार
विधार्थी ही गुरू के ज्ञान को आत्मसात करके उसे पचा पाते हैं किसी कक्षा के
विधार्थियों ...
5 years ago
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