Please let me know the target you think for Reliance for next 3-6 months?
ask by Ramprasad .
1.Dear Ramprasad ji , three year ago at march 2009 when reliance trade near 1700 than i give a target of below 800 in this blog and i will be happy that market prove my theory .
2.but now at below 800 so RELIANCE INDUSTRIES IS A STRONG BUY NOW.
3. it is not magic that you will bulk buy in a rush and think you will be rich soon please keep in mind it will take 2-3 year to get price again 2500-4000 so buy in a SIP method is best plan. please keep in mind that book value of reliance industries is only so if any big fall came in this year then it will touch near but long term target ( 2-5 year is 2500-4000 )
4. Reliance industries ltd is a 10 rupee face value stock year high 1065.55 year low 687.55 with promoters holding of 44.71 % FII holding 17.03 % DII hold 11.35 % so all of these criteria are good.
5. i have no any stocks of reliance industries ltd.
ऐसी जादुई गुगल फायनेंस शीट बनाना सीखें जो खुद बतायेगी अभी कौनसे ईटीएफ में
एसआईपी करने का उचित समय है।
साथियो नमस्कार,
आज मैं आपको एक ऐसी Automatic Google Finance शीट बनाना सीखाने जा रहा हूं जो
गूगल फाइनेंस से ऑटोमेटिक अपडेट होगी व आपको यह शीट बतायेगी कि...
5 months ago
Dear Mahesh bhai,you forget that RIL gave bonus share in 1:1 ratio on 27.11.2009, after that its price falls upto half value.