Is it the right time to enter this below mentioned stock.
1. Shree Ashta vinayaka cine vision ltd.
2. Punj Lloyd.
Please do suggest some stock below 10rs, for long term of 2 - 3yrs.
1.Sunnil ji punj lloyd is my top favourite stocks of this time because it show recent breakouts from all of his DMA,s and consist trading above 60 in last some sessions which is 200DMA of this stocks.
2. read this article for more detail of punj lloyd fresh breakout http://sharegenius.blogspot.com/2011/06/punj-lloyd-revarsal-start-now.html
3.i already write about shree ashta vinayaka cine vision on this blog for detail read this link http://sharegenius.blogspot.com/2010/02/ex-bonus-story-of-shree-ashtavinayaka.html
4. i have a separate blog http://mypennyshare.blogspot.com for penny stocks trading and investing read past performance of http://mypennyshare.blogspot.com at this link . http://mypennyshare.blogspot.com/2010/08/past-profit-booking-of-this-blog-penny.html
5. i have no any share of punj lloyd ( but hold infrabees which contains punj lloyd) and shree ashta vinayaka cine vision ltd.
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