Hi Mahesh ji,
Could you comment on a Buy call for OPTO CIRCUIT? Ask by anonymous
1. As I requested earlier please ask your question with your name.
2. OPTO CIRCUITS (INDIA) LTD is a 10 rupee face value medical equipment company.
3. Year high for OPTO CIRCUITS (INDIA) LTD is 225.32 and year low 97.25 so as I describe earlier in Mahesh Kaushik dot com website that if year high/ year low ratio is more than 2 than it is good to wait for more downside.
4. Promoters holding in OPTO CIRCUITS (INDIA) LTD are 28.17 % and FII holding 37.14 % both are normal but heavy FII holding make it risky.
5. OPTO CIRCUITS (INDIA) LTD gives a recent bonus in march 2012 so as my general rule I avoid a stock for 2 years after a recent bonus and stock split.
6. Overall I think you may avoid OPTO CIRCUITS (INDIA) LTD Avoid because I think in next market fall stock of OPTO CIRCUITS (INDIA) LTD may be down below 80.
7. I have no any stock of OPTO CIRCUITS (INDIA) LTD.
मेरे एक फोलावर श्री विपिन अग्रवाल ने भी स्विंग ट्रेड की सहायता से जीता
जीरोधा का 60 डे विनिंग ट्रेडर का अवार्ड Swing Trading Zerodha
एक कक्षा में गुरूजी अनेक विधार्थियों को पढ़ाते हैं पर उनमें से होनहार
विधार्थी ही गुरू के ज्ञान को आत्मसात करके उसे पचा पाते हैं किसी कक्षा के
विधार्थियों ...
5 years ago
You are correct, current price is about Rs. 70