Hallo Maheshji, best wishes 4 u. Now it is seen that market is getting positiveness. Is it right time to start entry? Please share your view on PSB(Punjab & sind bank). Thank you. ask by narendra ji
1. narendra ji my view is negative for banks read this article for more details
2. PUNJAB AND SIND BANK is a 10 rupee face value stock with a book value of 161.55 so in terms of book value it is a value buy if you buy it in SIP with Patience and do not worry if price is falling 20-50% from here.
3.promoters holding 82.07% in PUNJAB AND SIND BANK .
4.PUNJAB AND SIND BANK year high 149 and year ow 64 currant price is 68.35 near his year low.
5. in short term my view is negative but in view of more than 3 year i will be positive but recommended BANK BEES instead of particular bank.
read details at
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जीरोधा का 60 डे विनिंग ट्रेडर का अवार्ड Swing Trading Zerodha
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विधार्थियों ...
5 years ago
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