We change our blog pattern now we publish a weekly e- magazine “sharegenius” at every Sunday. In this magazine we included your questions and there answers. Our view, coming dividend bonus or right dates and other information about Indian share market.
Questions –answer segment
Sir, I want to knew about difference of large cap, mid cap, small cap,-ask by shri grithra gopalan ji
It is depend on market capitalization Small Cap market capital is under $1 billion Mid Cap market capital is $1 - $10 billion and Large Cap $10 billion plus.
When total number of share of a company is multiply with his market price we find market cap of company.
J P hydro power (ask by shri ashish chouhan):- jai prakash hydro power is a 10 rupees face value share. Book value of JP hydro is 23.5 and promoter holding is 63.34 percent. But this is a high debt company total debt is 741.2 cr. And promoters pledged his 94.86 percent shares against debt so I can not like this company.
Marg construction (ask by shri Ravi nagda) marg ltd is a 10 rupees face value share. Book value of marg ltd is 127.6 and promoter holding is 51.89 percent. But this is a high debt company total debt is 373.7 cr. And promoters pledged his 38.82 percent shares against debt so I can not like this company.
Grasim (ask by kiran vincy) gracim industries is a 10 rupees face value share. Book value of gracim is 1033.5 and promoter holding is 73.5 percent. This is a good fundamental company and we like this company but current price is high so systematic investment on every fall for long term is good policy
Silverline (ask by kiran vincy):- this is a former fancy speculative share of market. Fundamental of this share is not good promoter hold only 0.01 percent and 99.99 percent share hold by general public like you and me. This share is in rest period. so if you hold these share wait for next speculative bull run but your wait may long as 2-3 year ( discloser:- I hold 100 share of silverline industries)
15 year investment plan for girl child: - shri Rajesh Sharma ask me that he have twin girl child and he want to invest 60000 for there future.
Rajesh ji equity is always risky so please do not invest your girl child future capital in equity. I give you example suppose after 10 year something is wrong happen in Indian politics and market crash badly for next 5-7 year. In this situation you got nothing from equity.

So I suggest you 2 PPF account in name of your twin Childs in PPF you got 8 percent sure return and income tax rebate on contribution also. I think PPF is best plan for your girl child future.
I have 2 girl child also and I already open there PPF account and only my spare money which I am able to lost invest in market.
IN mutual fund, direct equity or ETF which is best:-(ask by shravan kumar)- respected kumar ji this is sure that ETF is best ETF means nifty BEE. Because in mutual fund you pay fund management fee but in ETF you pay only brokerage and nifty BEE hold 50 top Indian company and in nifty specialist automatic change companies. And in nifty historically 15 percent growth is shown but in direct equity it is not sure.

Best share in power sector (ask by shri Rajeev denial):- I think in current situation reliance power is best for long term investment. Promoter holding of r power is 84.77 percent and book value is 57.5 and best thing is “ r power is a zero debt power company” so in coming years it is easily give you multiple retruns.
-:Record date segment :-
1. web solar energy fix 30 december 2009 for 1:1 bonus issue
2. lanco infratech fix 5 january 2010 for stock spilt from 10 repees face value to 1 rupees.
-: bullish view segment:-
In my 15 December volume I give you my three bullish view as below
Cox king buy @ 415 targets 450 (risk level high)ABG shipyard buy 190 target 220 (risk level medium)Orchid chemical buy @216 target 240 (risk level low)
In these bullish view orchid chemical achive his target (239)in 16 dec 2009 and cox king achive 450 .
Now I bullish in sasken communication I not give you target but I think this share may touch 220-240 in coming trading sessons ( I hold 10 share of sasken communication so my personal intrest is included in this share)
This analysis is my view only not a professional advice read disclaimer before take any action.
Unfortunately I am not a specialist of share market I am only an investor like you but due to regards of our regular readers demand I share some of my bullish view with you but remember these are not tips. Please check my bullish view on your criteria or consult with registered adviser before investing because I may be wrong.