1. Madhu ji BIRLA CAPITAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD is a 2 rupee face value T group stock.
2. Year high of BIRLA CAPITAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD is 2.57 and year low 1.09 stocks traded at 1.50 only and as I described in my book that avoid stock which fall more than 50 % from year high.
3. Promoters holding in BIRLA CAPITAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD are 65.10 % which is not a strong point for this share because promoters pledged his 90.65% stocks so what remain?
4. This is a loss making stock and never give dividends.
5. On 22 Nov 12 heavy bulk deal is shown in sell side so big player sell his holding near year high.
6. I think you AVOID Birla capital .
7. I have no any share of Birla capital Ltd.
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