i m jagdish i was purchased veer energy 20, 000 shares@ 23rs. and atv projects 5000 shares @7 rs. and rishabhdev techno cable 5000 shares@9 rs.
i am a fool while purchasing these stocks but i m daily reader of your stock view and now i m going on your think.
now can u tell me what can i do? whether i keep it or sell all stocks?
and also can u give me are above stocks are technical strongs or not?
waiting your reply sir. thanks,
dear jagdish please ask only one question in a time so we discuss veer energy today
1. Face value of veer energy and infrastructure ltd is rs 1 only so this is not a cheap stock if we compare it price 8 to 10 rupees face value stock than it is 60 and this is 2.5 time higher of NHPC price.
2. In December 2008 promoter holding in this share is 53.31 percent and September 2009 promoter holding is 50.31, and December 2009 it is 48.81 percent only and in sept 2010 promoter holding is 33.71 % so promoter continue reduce there holding. This is a very bad sign for company health.
3. Book value of veer energy is 1.35 only.
4. EPS of this company is 0.33 only in sept 2010.
5. So overall I not like this company and my view is negative for veer energy and infrastructure ltd. Due to it very poor fundamental.
6. i have no any share of veer energy ltd
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