Sunday, June 21, 2009

mercator lines limited stock for trading

How do you find the stock of Mercator Lines Limited? Is the current stock price is over value or still there is a scope of booking some profit keeping in mind the investment period of 1-2 years. ask by shri tapan ansal by mail

1. Mercator lines is a trading stock with 62.04 percent public shareholding and promoter hold only 37.96 percent of share. Therefore, where public holding is high there are no chance to fundamentally high move in this type of share only trading move is there.
2. EPS of Mercator lines is 15.96 in March 2009 and it discount it market price 59 to P/E multiple of near about 3.5
. Due to Mercator line low P/E and unique business model we think this share is advisable to investment but also remember that face value of Mercator line is rs 1
4.we think if you invest in this stock please book your profit to every move because it is a trading stock see price data of mercator line since 1994 you self understood that why I give you advise book your profit on every move
Yearly High Lows
Year High Low
1994 60.00 12.50
1995 42.50 18.20
1996 21.00 6.60
1997 12.25 5.50
1998 9.00 6.00
1999 46.75 6.00
2000 62.10 10.65
2001 17.10 10.50
2002 38.25 12.25
2003 271.00 18.50
2004 977.70 206.00
2005 935.00 78.55
2006 156.00 27.60
2007 160.80 31.25
2008 184.95 22.35
5. This is a high volatile stock so if your stock move 30 percent then book your ten percent holding and if stock down 30 percent then buy 10 percent stock. I give you an example you buy 300 shares at the rate of 60 and share goes to 78 then sell 30 stock and at 96 again sell 30 stock and 114 again sell 30 so you are able to take full advantage to trading run

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